Which Is A Desirable Characteristic To Look For When Choosing A Credit Card?

Before you commit yourself to apply for and receive a credit card, you should try to take time out to consider many factors. This is why the question of – which is a desirable characteristic to look for when choosing a credit card? comes to mind. You can find out more in this article.
The Question – which is a desirable characteristic to look for when choosing a credit card?
Before you answer the question of – which is a desirable characteristic to look for when choosing a credit card? You should know that there are three possible options to choose from. But two out of these three options are the wrong choice. Only one option is correct and you should not only guess which one, but also explain why. The three answer choices include:
A. No annual fee.
B. No grace period.
C. High-interest rate.
Pick an answer and give a logical explanation for your choice.
Which is a desirable characteristic to look for when choosing a credit card? – The Answer
The answer to the question of – which is a desirable characteristic to look for when choosing a credit card? is the option “A”.
No annual fee is one characteristic that you should look out for when searching for a credit card to apply for. Annual fees could be a combination of the include; transaction, maintenance, eStatement request, and other fees. Any credit card that offers zero annual fees should be desired by everyone looking to get a credit card. No annual fees will ultimately save you money in the long-run, so that’s why it’s the answer.
In Closing
If you have no grace period it means that you have to pay your credit card bill as at when due. With high-interest rates, you can be kept in perpetual debt while no annual fee payments are just ideal.